Thursday, April 19, 2012

Recesky, Part 2

Here are a few more pictures from the Recesky. This second roll didn't do so well, but I was experimenting. I got nine photos out of this 24-shot roll, and these are the best of the lot. It has given me some things to work on, though.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The First Roll from the Recesky

 As promised, here are some photos from the first roll of film I shot with the Recesky Twin Lens Reflex camera that I built. These are among the best shots—most weren't so good. I'll need to practice more, and maybe make a couple of modifications. The trouble I have is telling when my subject is in focus, particularly in very dark or very bright conditions. I really like the effect when I get it right, though. It's very cool.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Old-School Camera Kit

I just built this Recesky Twin Lens Reflex camera today. It uses good ol' 35mm film. I've already shot one roll. When I get it developed I'll post some pictures and we'll discover how well it does.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Making a Difference

Wow, I had such a neat experience today. A fellow walked into the room where I was preparing material for my evening class. He introduced himself as a former student who had taken a scripting class I taught about a year ago. He said that he had used what he'd learned in my class to automate some processes in his job, becoming the scripting guru. He's had two promotions since then, which he attributed to my instruction, and he thanked me for teaching.
It was great to hear that he was able to use the things I had taught him, and humbling that he considered me responsible for some of the good things he found in life. You don't often get a chance to hear how you've made a difference in another person's life. It's nice.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Walking on Sunshine

My wife and I spent our afternoon walking around the lake trail at Watkins Mill State Park. I love our Missouri state parks. I only wish I had had with me a better camera than the one on my phone.